November 6, 2008

The Influence of Scripture

As mentioned in a previous post, I have begun memorizing Scripture. This was an activity, a spiritual discipline, that I knew was lacking in my life and sorely needed. I had purchased the Fighter Verses pack from Desiring God Ministries and started them once before but stalled out when The Queen didn't participate as planned. Nevertheless, as the spiritual leader of my home, I started them back up, roughly at the same time as the bi-monthly men's group, which also encouraged us to memorize passages.

Happily, I can say that the memorization is going well and that I am truly seeing changes in the way I am thinking (Romans 12:2) and even in the way I pray. I'm simply writing this to encourage all to do some type of memorization program. A verse, a passage, a book, whatever it takes, HIDE GOD'S WORD IN YOUR HEART.

You'll be glad you did, when our Bible's are ripped out of our hands.

Ok, that last was a little dramatic. . .

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