December 20, 2008

Atheist Penn Jillette on Proseletyzing

I've never really been into Penn and Teller, though I have been aware of them and their Vegas show. I found this video on another blog, The Contemporary Calvinist, and thought you would all enjoy it. Interesting and convicting!!

December 17, 2008

The Picture As It Becomes

But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me I shall come forth like gold.

Job 23:10

It's like translating: like learning, only less me.

The unsettling urge to rescue

What falls away. Because all I know-

I am unlearning. Seeing is closer to it

(closer to being able to breath as ) I

Understand the cracks, the holes,

And gaps ARE the picture

as it becomes. And as I surrender.

Seeing is closer to it.

See, I keep piling up

The broken pieces around me thinking

That's what will protect, will defend me.

But the garbage is not

keeping me from sinking.

I cry for what's taken away.

Blind to what you are revealing.

The promise that "you know" means more than

My pretty garbage. Its stronger than my hands,

Wrapped around what used to make sense.

Its right, not familiar.

Clean, not common.

If You know - then, this is worth everything.

So. What's lower than weak?

What's higher than calm?

It is not what's left, Its what

is being revealed.

Letting go of my pretty garbage -

and trusting

( in ways, with means)

by forgetting what I call control.

November 16, 2008

It is better to be preserved in brine—than to rot in honey!

William Secker, "The Consistent Christian" 1660

Above every evil, we should consider sin as the greatest evil—as it is the fountainorigin of all evils. Sin is the only target—at which all the arrows of divine vengeance are shot! Sinners are those spiders which weave their own webs—and are afterwards entangled in them! Our own destruction—is but the fruit of our own transgression. There is more real evil in a particle of corruption—than in an ocean of tribulation!

The evil of suffering is transient—but the evil of sin is permanent. The consistent Christian will always choose the worst of sorrows—before he will commit the least of sins!

The wicked entirely reverse this—for they prefer the greatest sin—to the least sufferings! This is to leap out of the hot pan—into the consuming fire! By seeking to shun an external calamity—they rush into eternal misery!
and This is as if a man should lose his head—to preserve his hat!

As the works of sin are dishonorable; so the wages of sin are deadly! "The wages of sin—is death." The corruption of nature is the cause of the dissolution of nature. The candle of our lives—is blown out by the wind of our lusts! Were it not for sin—death would never have had a beginning! Were it not for death—sin would never have an ending!

What is so sweet a good as Christ? And what is so great an evil as lust? Sin has brought many a believer into suffering—and suffering has instrumentally kept many a believer out of sin!
It is better to be preserved in brine—than to rot in honey! The bitterest medicine is to be preferred—before the sweetest poison!worst of sorrows—before he will commit the least of sins! The consistent Christian will always choose the

November 10, 2008

The Love of God and the Non-Elect

Does God love only the elect and hate the non-elect?

John MacArthur

The Love of GodThe fact that some sinners are not elected to salvation is no proof that God's attitude toward them is utterly devoid of sincere love. We know from Scripture that God is compassionate, kind, generous, and good even to the most stubborn sinners. Who can deny that these mercies flow out of God's boundless love? Yet it is evident that they are showered even on unrepentant sinners.

It must be acknowledged, however, that explaining God's love toward the reprobate is not as simple as most modern evangelicals want to make it. Clearly there is a sense in which the psalmist's expression, "I hate the assembly of evildoers" (Ps. 26:5) is a reflection of the mind of God. "Do I not hate those who hate Thee, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against Thee? I hate them with the utmost hatred; they have become my enemies" (Ps. 139:21-22). Such hatred as the psalmist expressed is a virtue, and we have every reason to conclude that it is a hatred God Himself shares. After all, He did say, "I have hated Esau" (Mal. 1:3; Rom. 9:13). The context reveals God was speaking of a whole race of wicked people. So there is a true and real sense in which Scripture teaches that God hates the wicked.

So an important distinction must be made. God loves believers with a particular love. It is a family love, the ultimate love of an eternal Father for His children. It is the consummate love of a Bridegroom for His bride. It is an eternal love that guarantees their salvation from sin and its ghastly penalty. That special love is reserved for believers alone.

However, limiting this saving, everlasting love to His chosen ones does not render God's compassion, mercy, goodness, and love for the rest of mankind insincere or meaningless. When God invites sinners to repent and receive forgiveness (Isa. 1:18; Matt. 11:28-30), His pleading is from a sincere heart of genuine love. "'As I live!' declares the Lord God, 'I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then will you die, O house of Israel?'" (Ezek. 33:11). Clearly God does love even those who spurn His tender mercy, but it is a different quality of love, and different in degree from His love for His own.

(Today's post was adapted from John's book, The God Who Loves, pp. 14, 16).

November 7, 2008

Drive By Post

Question: What can the body of Christ learn from those who seek to be gods?

Check out this news release about the Mormons in California.

November 6, 2008

The Influence of Scripture

As mentioned in a previous post, I have begun memorizing Scripture. This was an activity, a spiritual discipline, that I knew was lacking in my life and sorely needed. I had purchased the Fighter Verses pack from Desiring God Ministries and started them once before but stalled out when The Queen didn't participate as planned. Nevertheless, as the spiritual leader of my home, I started them back up, roughly at the same time as the bi-monthly men's group, which also encouraged us to memorize passages.

Happily, I can say that the memorization is going well and that I am truly seeing changes in the way I am thinking (Romans 12:2) and even in the way I pray. I'm simply writing this to encourage all to do some type of memorization program. A verse, a passage, a book, whatever it takes, HIDE GOD'S WORD IN YOUR HEART.

You'll be glad you did, when our Bible's are ripped out of our hands.

Ok, that last was a little dramatic. . .

Time To Live a Little

Today was a tough day for many Americans, or at least it was around here. The day after this historic election found me very somber. I would not go so far as to say depressed, but downcast, for sure. A kind of short-tempered feeling, with a dash of irritation, and a boatload of exasperation. I walked by faculty who I know supported the man who today is our President, and did not move out of the cordial greeting phase with them at all. I heard things that tempted my blood to boil. And I knew the day would get harder.

For those who do not know I am a pastor and a junior high History and Civics teacher, and between talking to a few teachers and fielding questions from students (which I did all day), I am exhausted. I had to do my very best to live Romans 13:1-7 and Titus 3:1. It was difficult. However, I was encouraged by a few things I read at The Founders Blog, and some other sites I frequent. I began to remember that I am commanded to pray for my leaders, to honor them, and to keep in mind that God is in control as the One who orders all things to the pleasure of His good will.

However, I did not come straight home after work. During my planning period I decided to do something that I pray will bear fruit and glorify my Savior.

I made a few appointments.

At 3:30 today I met with the mayor of the little town I live in. We spoke a little about the new town council. She related that they always prayed before conducting any town business. She shared some of her concerns: the homeless, veterans, the hungry and poor. I really do not think there is a truly homeless person in the little town limits. But she told me about a group living under a bridge in a bigger city, not 30 miles from here. She spoke about a woman's self-defense program that she found out about from some volunteers at the annual Founders Day who were not even living within the town limits. And about how she wrote some letters of appreciation to the persons responsible for the program. These letters really encouraged a few people. (Maybe enough to continue the program..) I then confessed to her that I did not pray for my elected officials as I should. I read her the opening verses of Romans 13. With her permission, I prayed with her and for her, then I left.with an invitation to open a future Founders Day in prayer.

I am not going to pretend that I am not cringing when I hear about all the things that naturally follow an election, But I do believe that this is a really good chance to live the love that I preach about, to give the respect that I should offer to those who God says deserves it, to not render myself unapproachable to those who voted differently than I did , and to trust the sovereignty of God.

I plan to try to pray with (and for) as many of my elected officials as I can. I do not pretend to be reconciled to all of what has happened in my country. I just do not want to miss such an opportunity to obey God, and maybe to even grow a little spiritually (Lord willing). Please join me in praying for our country and its elected officials.

October 31, 2008

POLITICS - What's Missing?

Proverbs 14
1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.
3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.
4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.
5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.
7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
9 Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.
10The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
16 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.
17 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.
18 The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
20 The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.
21 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.
22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.
23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.
24 The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.
26 In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.
27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
28 In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.
29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.
30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
31 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.
32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known.
34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
35 The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.

As I knew it would, the POLITICS post left open many subjects. Among many of the topics skirted was that of Godly leadership. I am by no means an expert on that subject and don't plan on holding a seminar anytime soon. However, there are places in Scripture that I find clues on how to recognize a Godly man who has been placed in a position of leadership.

As I began to read through Proverbs 14 in preparation for this post, it became evident that I better just post the entire text and highlight those portions that seem to speak directly to the inseparable issues of Godly leadership and righteousness. My belief is that our Founding Fathers understood the link between these two and endeavored to write our charter documents according to these principles. It is also evident from their writings that they believed that the prosperity and longevity of a nation was directly linked to the morality of the nations citizenry.

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity."
George Washington spoke these words as part of his Farewell Address. They show his clear understanding and belief that all men, whether servants of the public or not should understand the importance of religion and morality to the strength of this nation.

Abraham Lincoln -- "I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book."

George Washington -- "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God or the Bible."

Patrick Henry -- "The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed."

Andrew Jackson -- "That book, sir, is the rock on what our republic rests."

Sir Isaac Newton -- "There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history."

Immanuel Kant -- "The existence of the Bible, as a book for the people, is benefit which the human race has ever experienced. Every attempt to be little it is a crime against humanity."

Thomas Huxley -- "The Bible has been the Magna Charta of the poor and oppressed. The human race is not in a position to dispense with it."

Theodore Roosevelt -- "If a man is not familiar with the Bible, he has suffered a loss which he has better make all possible haste to correct."

Woodrow Wilson -- "When you have read the Bible, you will know it is the Word of God, because you will have found the key to your own heart, your own happiness, your own duty."

I include the quotes above only as evidence that through centuries, leaders of our nation as well as others accepted the necessity of the Word of God in the lives of people. Where are those men today?

As I look on the modern political scene there is no question of the greed and corruption that drives our world. "In God We Trust" is belabored at every turn by panic and uncertainty over markets and unemployment numbers. Instability throughout the Middle East and uneasy friendships in Europe and Asia have caused us worry and fear over the future. How can we claim God as our refuge yet worry about our 401k's?

June 6, 1944, Franklin Roosevelt led our nation in prayer. Heard across the nation on public radio, our President demonstrated his understanding of the "separation of Church and State." He knew it did not apply to the simple admission of God's existence and his almighty power over the affairs of men. When did his example become a "moment of silence"? How can we have a nation that cries out to God via a moment of silence?

I suppose this is a true blog post. Thoughts, sometimes rambling but all related regarding what we may never see again. Our politicians are expected to lie to us. We expect them to speak of their private faith. We expect them to keep it private enough that it's not even visible in their public policy. Contrast that with Proverbs 14 and with the example set by our Founding Fathers.

I'm frequently convicted on these things in my own home. MP's posts on wisdom made good reading and food for thought as well. After all, Godly men are not just needed in our governmental offices, but in our homes as well. Looking after the spiritual training of their families so that the next generation understands what their leaders should look like. Judging from the statistics given to us regarding divorce, marital infidelity, unwed mothers, juvenile delinquency, perhaps it's no surprise that there are few Godly leaders in public office. There don't seem to be many in our homes either.

May we pray that God raises up leaders who know Him and His Word. May we then look in the mirror and realize He's called us.

Reformation Day 2008

"Out of love and concern for the truth, and with the object of eliciting it..."
Opening words of the 95 Thesis
Martin Luther, 15 October 1517

With these words, which were actually written in Latin not German, the event commonly know as the Reformation was set in motion. The document itself is aimed primarily at exposing the practice of the sale of Indulgences to the light of what the New Testament teaches about the forgiveness of sin solely by God's grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. A clear case is made that God, and not the Pope, is the only one who can "remit guilt" of sin. And at the time the hammer struck the nails, fixing it to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, I can imagine little notice being taken. This would soon change.

In a nutshell, buying an Indulgence (certified by a slip of paper) was literally buying a lesser (or in some cases, completely erased) punishment for sins. In this case, it was supposedly a special Indulgence being pushed on the faithful, most of which could neither read or write, neither German or Latin. They simply believed what they were told.

Much of the receipts would go to a massive building project, Saint Peter's Cathedral in Rome. But, the points that Luther sought to discuss were aimed at a corrupt and blasphemous practice, not a building. And the result was astounding: the Light of the gospel of the grace of God in Christ Jesus tore through the darkness of superstition and outright lies of Rome. It ripped the Christian world in two. It birthed the grounds on which martyrs died, wars were fought, kingdoms were lost and gained. It also corresponded the advent of mass printing, and to widespread distribution of the Word of God in Dr. Luther's German and other languages very soon.

So my reflection on this first annual Reformation Day post is simple: "Love and concern for the truth, with the object of eliciting it" is not a one-time call, but a standard the body would do well to keep close to us today. This is not far at all from the admonition we find in 1 Timothy 4:16, "Keep a close watch on yourself and your teaching. Persist in this, for by doing so you will save both yourself and your hearers." There were and are many enemies of God's truth. These enemies lie both within our own wicked hearts and in the enticements of the world which threaten to draw is into sin and error.

If we have any love for the truth of the gospel within us it is the work of the God of the universe. I pray that this day would find us willing to make the stands in our own lives that we must. We have a great Helper and the greatest truth ever revealed to man if we are united to Christ by faith. Lets display love and concern for the truth even if it costs, and it certainly does and will.

A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing;
Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great, and, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.
Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing;
Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing:
Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He;
Lord Sabaoth, His Name, from age to age the same,
And He must win the battle.
And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us:
The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure,
One little word shall fell him.
That word above all earthly powers, no thanks to them, abideth;
The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him Who with us sideth:
Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also;
The body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still,
His kingdom is forever.

October 28, 2008

Tim Challies

I have added a new blog to our blog roll, Challies Dot Com. It is chock full of book reviews, most of them as good as the books that they are reviewing (if they are good books, anyway)! Someone had mentioned the book Christless Christianity to me and I found a review of it on his site. I am very much looking forward to getting the book but the review was an excellent preview of what I hope to be in the book.
He has reviews of a wide variety of books, to many to mention here. You can often find his reviews on and the comments can be encouraging and wildly critical at times. I was very amused by the comments that he got after writing a scathing review of the popular book, The Shack. You'd just have to hunt it down yourself but it was interesting and somewhat indicitive of the exact things Challies was trying to say about the book!

October 27, 2008


Well, at the request of MP (notice the blame shift!) I suppose it's time to weigh in on current issues.

I'll skip the economics since it changes daily and who really knows whether things are as bad as we're being told or not. Ever heard the phrase "It's the economy, stupid"? Well, it ANNOYS me!! I have never and hope to never vote based on economic issues and quite frankly cannot believe a believer would ever do so. The Scripture teaches that the Father takes care of our physical needs so why would I ask or vote in such a way to empower the government to do so? However, the race for the Presidency has elements that have concerned me for years and that seem especially poignant this year.

This primary season was interesting to watch. For the first time in history, the Democrats began talking about Faith. We saw arguments over how much ones Faith should influence them in decisions made while holding office. We saw arguments over whether the Republicans had duped the Religious Right into voting with them based solely on morality and family issues. There were even "church leaders" debating as to whether global warming, poverty, and AIDS were moral issues on par with abortion and the sanctity of marriage. It was a great time!

Skip ahead ...... both parties choose a candidate. Arguments change to those of experience and qualifications. Liberal or Conservative. Who's the better bridge builder to the other party. (Notice anything missing?) Then each candidate picks a VP candidate designed to bolster areas where they've been considered weak. Obama picks a foreign policy guy with years of experience (so much for "Change in Washington) and McCain picks a no-name governor from Alaska who appeals strongly to the Religious Right (so much for reaching across the aisle).

Now, let me pause a moment to point out that I have not yet endorsed either candidate as I believe both are attempting to appeal to the widest number of voters in order to win the election and may not be telling us the whole truth of their intentions.


Ummmm ..... what happened to those issues of morality and Faith? When was the last time we saw the Republican candidate point out that Obama signed and fully supports full access to abortion (including partial birth) on demand and funded by the government (watch carefully as he unveils his health care plan). When was the last time you saw McCain appeal to the concerns of the "values voters" and speak about his pro-life stance or his view on marriage? The VP debate brought about the topic of homosexual marriage or civil unions but it was a passing question and largely overshadowed by economic and wartime issues.

We must support individuals who have a basic understanding of right and wrong. It's that simple. If a man or woman does not understand that the "lawful" taking of innocent life is an abomination before God, how can he possibly appeal to that same God for guidance on other issues as he leads this nation? The Word speaks of a man who builds an idol from wood. Some of the same tree he then uses for firewood, some to build a shelter. Aren't we also creating a God of our own making when we pick and choose which areas He might have an opinion on? What sort of fickle Faith is it to pray for financial success or strength and victory in war while we refuse to stand on a basic premise such as protection of the innocent?

A former pastor of mine used to say that it doesn't matter who is in the White House but the important thing is who is in God's house. I'd have to agree. But, I cannot vote to place someone in the White House who obviously failed to gain any spiritual understanding while sitting in God's house! I don't care about the Republican or Democratic platform. I suppose you might call me a single issue voter (though the Second Amendment and other Constitutional issues get me going as well).

While we may not have ever been "God's people", as a nation, there was a time when we honored Him and His role in shaping our existence. When visiting the poll on November 4th, do not forget that economic hard times come and go. Famines and pestilence have and always will plague nations. But, we who are believers have a duty to place our honor of God in proper perspective to our need for financial comfort.

Here's my point: Our next president will pick at a minimum, two Supreme Court justices. The values and beliefs of these individuals will direct the course of our laws and their interpretations for the next generation. Whether they will interpret the Constitution as a "living document", subject to change depending on our changing moral point-of-view or see it through the eyes of our Founders will direct their decisions.

Now, I officially announce my endorsement of Mike Huckabee for President of the United States!! But .... since he won't appear on the ballot, I'll take what I can get in the pro-life arena.

October 26, 2008

The Great Commission - GO!!!

Matthew 28:19: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Mark 16:15: And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Ever been to an old fashioned tent meeting or any week long revival meetings? They are normally evangelistic in nature (all for that) and are somewhat pep rallyish in nature (not so much for that). They seem to serve as a way to get the body of locals to attend a little extra church, meet a new speaker (it seems that the churches normal shepherd rarely leads these meetings), and invite the unchurched to attend them. I think something is missing. I think that the point is being missed altogether.



Move along, get going, leave the area, make tracks. According to Vines Expository Dictionary, it marks the end of a conversation, such as, "you go on your way, we're done here."
Go. It is a very crucial part of evangelism and the part no one seems to be able to get past. We all seem to have a grasp on the fact that we need to spread the Gospel, or at least it appears that we do. We give to missions, we cry when someone confesses Christ, we might even leave a tract when we finish our meal (please leave a decent tip when you do). So we get that we should be sharing the Gospel. We often seem to think that it is the pastor's job to be doing it though. So, that means that we try and get the world to come in to our arena. We invite them to church, try to get them to rallies, tune our radios to Christian radios stations at work, etc. But we don't actually GO!

I once offended a guy (no, really) by saying that Christian music wasn't meant for him. It was meant for Christians. I think that church is the same. My church is meant for Christians. It is meant for Christians to come to for nourishment, for guidance, for accountability. It is a place that Christians should be gathering together in order to GO out. It seems fairly simple to me.

The point of this post is that we should be going out and witnessing. Not waiting for the world to join us on Sunday mornings. Will they come? Sometimes, yes. Should we be waiting for that event? Absolutely not!

So what are you waiting for? Find yourself a sinner and experiment on him!!

October 25, 2008

Heeeeeee's Baaaaaaaaack!!

Just so everyone know's, PM is back from Nepal! He will be bringing pictures and news (hopefully several posts worth) from the mission field. He is also going to bring our first annual HAPPY REFORMATION DAY post.

SO STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


October 23, 2008

The Great Commission - The Authority of Jesus

Matthew 28:18 "And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.' "

Anytime I have ever heard someone speak of the Great Commission, the focus has always been on Matthew 28:19-20, the "go and make" portions of the passage. Without a doubt, the command to go and make are very important, as how are to know what we are to do if we aren't told? They are our marching orders, if you will. However, I cannot remember having heard anyone give so much as a passing comment on verse 18. Jesus' authority. Who is giving these instructions? Jesus is. Who is sending us to go and make? Jesus is. He is the Lord, the Master, the Creator of the universe. He has the authority to give these commands, to make the demand that we his followers obey.

Authority, by definition, is the right to hold sway in a given relationship. To be in charge would be a simple way to put it. A father over his children, a general over his soldiers, a manager over his employees, etc. In Matthew 28:18, the word authority is also translated power, which invokes the imagery of might. The person at the top. THE MAN!

One example we see of this in Scripture is in Matthew 8:8-9, "But the centurion replied, 'Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. And I say to one, 'Go,' and he goes, and to another, 'Come,' and he comes, and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it.' " While the main focus of this passage is the great faith of the centurion, his grasp of the authority of Jesus is also remarkable. He knew that he was unworthy to have someone as powerful as Jesus in his home and that a mighty word from the Lord was all that was needed.

I have been somewhat puzzled by some of the commentaries on this particular verse that seem to say that NOW Jesus has this authority to send us. From what I have been able to find in the Gospels, Jesus had always had authority. He had the authority over the weather, over elemental properties, over sickness and demons, in His teachings, over death, even over His own death. So, while the resurrection of the Savior certainly paid our price for sin, securing our salvation through Him, how does it increase or finalize His authority? Does His resurrection simply prove His authority over sin and death, therefore being a very visible demonstration of His supremacy?

Two things are clear to me from this passage. First, the scope of Jesus' authority. He makes it plain that He is Master of all. Where is there that doesn't encompass heaven or earth? He has authority over both and all that they contain. He is Lord of the spiritual realm as well as the physical realm. He has the right to command all to be saved (Acts 17:30) and to demand that we glorify Him in whatever we do (1 Cor.10:31).

The second is that Jesus not only has the authority to send us to do His work, He also has the authority to command all who hear our message to obey it (again, see Acts 17:30). If they reject the message we bring, they are rejecting Jesus. To reject Him is to reject God (Luke 10:16). To reject Jesus is to remain under the wrath of God (John 3:36)

The blessing in this verse is that we are acting in obedience to our Lord and Savior when we "go and make," when we share the Gospel. There was no question in the Apostle Peter's mind when he said, "And he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead." (Acts 10:42) It is a command and it is to be obeyed. There is no other option for us as believers. We are to spread the Gospel!!


October 12, 2008

The Great Commission - Introduction

Missions have been on my mind a lot lately, from things that have been going on at church to PM going to Nepal, to things that I have been reading. As a result, I have been spending some time studying the Great Commission and personal evangelism in general. I have been trying to tie the passages that deal with the Commission, or are the final commands of Jesus in the Gospels, together to make it clear what we are to be doing. We have been reading What Jesus Demands of the World, by John Piper, in our men's group at church and on the cover it quotes the beginning of the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:19, "All authority in heaven and on earth are given to me." Since the point of the book are demands that Jesus makes on the world, starting with salvation and going into obedient Christian living, it has made me want to take an even closer look at the Great Commission itself.

There are four specific instances in Scripture where the Great Commission is given, Matthew 28:18-20, Mark16:15, Luke 24:46-48, and Acts 1:8. I am also going to include a passage from John, but only because of how it pertains on a personal level to us. To summarize all of them, we are to go into all of the world, sharing the gospel, telling of the things that we have seen and heard, baptizing them in the name of God, teaching everyone the things that we have been commanded by the Lord. I want to look at each passage individually, briefly, while focusing mainly on Matthew's version. I'll try to get it done over the next couple of weeks, as I need to get it of my head and on to paper, or at least into cyberspace!! I hope to make it as clear as possible and that it will be an encouragement to all who read it!


October 7, 2008


PM is leaving for the country of Nepal in the morning. His family will be dropping him off for a lengthy flight that will take him around the world. Once there, he will be helping to encourage and lead native pastors, as they serve God and shepherd their flocks.
Let's back him up in prayer, praying that 1) God would be glorified, 2) PM would be spirit-filled as he teaches from God's Word, and 3) the Gospel would spread throughout the region as a result.

I would challenge everyone to fast for one meal this week and spend it in prayer for this missionary effort. I will personally be doing this Thursday night. You plan yours however you want!!

Godspeed, my brother!

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26


September 30, 2008

The Bed was Already Made

2 Corinthians 2:16

“to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things?”

He had been in hospice care for months, his liver destroyed, his life slipping from him. I saw him once with many people around, stopped by once and was told he was resting, visited and prayed with him twice when he was in such pain that, through the fog of medication, I do not know if he could understand much of what was happening. In prayer with him, I preached the gospel twice (with his wife in the room) both at the hospital and at his home. But I had been praying for a conscious moment for him, to look in his eyes and share Jesus.

Saturday night I rode the elevator up to the fourth floor and walked into a still and dark room. The bed was made, and he was gone. I found out later that he had died the day before.

I helped the widow find the phone number of the pastor that the family wanted to conduct the funeral, formally the pastor of the little church I serve now.

At the visitation, all I could do way pray that they were weeping for the right reasons, and make sure they knew I was really there if they needed me.

I could spend years listing things that I should have done differently in trying to reach him and the family. But nothing prepared me for that dark hospital room, and no one called me to let me know he was gone. They were understandably busy.


Tract Review - Million Dollar Bill HALLOWEEN

Just wanted to show everyone the Halloween Version of the Million Dollar Bill tract. Everything is the same about it except the picture, obviously!!
We have decided to pre-bag our candy this year and put the tracts in with the candy. No matter what your views on trick-or-treat are (and that isn't the point of this post, so save it), there is nothing better than having the world go door to door for you to evangelize!! We are going to put in this version of the Million Dollar Bill, a pressed penny, and for the adults, John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life tracts. I will do a review on the DWYL tracts later, but they are also excellent for handing out. They are based on Piper's book by the same title, which I highly recommend. If you do purchase it, I suggest you get it with the dvd, as it is only a few extra dollars and well worth it!! The video is about 45 minutes long and great for any type of small group or just for your own personal viewing.

Click on the tracts to see the whole text and purchase some today!!


Tract Review - Wallet

This is a tract that I like to drop in parking lots at stores and at the truck stop. At first glance, people will see the $50 sticking out and realize that they have picked up something different! When you open it, you still don't get the message, you are greeted with pictures of credit cards and other "wallet" type things. Then, as you open it again, there are a series of multiple choice questions, almost in an ethics type layout. Then, as always with any Living Waters tract, the Ten Commandments are used to show the sins and to bring conviction.

Because I don't stick around and watch tracts that I "plant," I don't know if these are picked up by cleaning personnel and thrown away or if my intended victims actually pick them up and read them. So, I can't factor any type of "success" to them, other than the fact that the gospel is presented and that God's Word is going out and will "not return to him empty." (Isaiah 55:11)

Click on the tract to see the whole text and purchase some today!!


Psalm 119:169-176

169 Let my cry come before you, O LORD; give me understanding according to your word!
170 Let my plea come before you; deliver me according to your word.
171 My lips will pour forth praise, for you teach me your statutes.
172 My tongue will sing of your word, for all your commandments are right.
173 Let your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.
174 I long for your salvation, O LORD, and your law is my delight.
175 Let my soul live and praise you, and let your rules help me.
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.

Word of God speak. . .

September 19, 2008

Memorizing Scripture

I have recently begun using the Fighter Verses that Desiring God ministries puts out. I am also memorizing Scripture with our men's group at church and helping BK with her memory verses at school. I came across a way to memorize verses in Piper's book When I Don't Desire God. He took it from Dr. Andrew Davis, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Durham, N.C. I posted the gist of it here and you can download the whole thing from the FBC website. While he is focusing on large portions of Scripture, I am finding it to be very helpful in doing the smaller passages as well as the multiple passages that I am working on.


Sample daily procedure: The following is an example of how someone could go about memorizing Ephesians at the rate of one verse per day:

1) Day one: Read Ephesians 1:1 out loud ten times, looking at each word as if photographing it with your eyes. Be sure to include the verse number.18 Then cover the page and recite it ten times. You’re done for the day.

2) Day two: Yesterday’s verse first!! Recite yesterday’s verse, Ephesians 1:1 ten times, being sure to include the verse number. Look in the Bible if you need to, just to refresh your memory. Now, do your new verse. Read Ephesians 1:2 out loud ten times, looking at each word as if photographing it with your eyes. Be sure to include the verse number. Then cover the page and recite it ten times. You’re done for the day.

3) Day three: Yesterday’s verse first!! Recite yesterday’s verse, Ephesians 1:2 ten times, being sure to include the verse number. Again, you should look in the Bible if you need to, just to refresh your memory. Old verses next, altogether: Recite Ephesians 1:1-2 together once,
being sure to include the verse numbers. Now, do your new verse. Read Ephesians 1:3 out loud ten times, looking at each word as if photographing it with your eyes. Be sure to include the verse number. Then cover the page and recite it ten times. You’re done for the day.

4) Day four: Yesterday’s verse first!! Recite yesterday’s verse, Ephesians 1:3 ten times, being sure to include the verse number. Again, you should look in the Bible if you need to, just to refresh your memory. Old verses next, altogether: Recite Ephesians 1:1-3 together once,
being sure to include the verse numbers. Now, do your new verse. Read Ephesians 1:4 out loud ten times, looking at each word as if photographing it with your eyes. Be sure to include the verse number.
Then cover the page and recite it ten times. You’re done for the day.

This cycle would continue through the entire book. Obviously, the “old verses altogether” stage will soon swell to take the most time of all. That’s exactly the way it should be. The entire book of Ephesians can be read at a reasonable rate in less than fifteen minutes. Therefore, the “old verses altogether” stage of your review should not take longer than that on any given day. Do it with the Bible ready at hand, in case you draw a blank or get stuck . . . there’s no shame in looking, and it actually helps to nail down troublesome verses so they will never be trouble again.

September 14, 2008

Tract Review - Million Dollar Bill

The Million Dollar Bill was initially one of my least favorite tracts to give out. The original tract, that I still have about 80 million worth, was difficult to read, as the message was around the outer edge of the back in very small print. However, I must not have been the only one who thought that, as Living Waters updated it and actually made it better!
The first one had Grover Cleveland on the front and the Lincoln Memorial on the back. You can see that has been changed to Rutherford B. Hayes and to Washington crossing the Potomac River. The message is much easier to read now, which takes the strain out of it and makes the message much easier to find. With the first one, I had to point out that the message was even there!
On the new one, the message is framing Washington and is a larger print.

These tracts have a way of opening up discussions on the value of money versus eternity. I have had several people ask for more because of a perceived "collectible" feel to them. Like most of the tracts from Living Waters, the message is simple, with the Ten Commandments being used to bring conviction before introducing Jesus as the means of redemption.

I normally just ask people if I had given them one million dollars yet. Most laugh and then are truly delighted to take the tract when I give it to them. Then I turn it over and point out the message. With a few, I have been able to then engage in conversation, mainly just asking about their knowledge of the 10 Commandments, using my arm as a visual aid. So far, no one has hit me.

Darn it!

Click on the tract to see the whole text and purchase some today!!


I Am Weak

On Saturday, I had an accident.

I work a part-time job, doing whatever driving that I am asked to do. I was hauling asphalt on this particular day. Now, most of us know asphalt as the road that you drive on or what is used to patch the road you drive on. This particular variety, AC5, is used for roofing shingles. When loaded, it loads around 1000 gallons a minute, at a temperature of 360 degrees. I guess it's that temperature, because if it hits you, you turn around and run.

While on my fifth load, the valve stuck and I got splashed with it. The problem was, I couldn't get to the valve and shut it off without further burning myself. While I did get it shut off, it wasn't until I had released around 3500 gallons onto my customers ground and spillway.

I'm okay, thanks for asking.

The weakness comes in here. While the asphalt was boiling out, I shouted several words of profanity, running around trying to get the valve shut off. Some would say that it was only natural, and I would agree with that. But I actually saw it as a great weakness on my part. Other than repeating things that others have said, I rarely use any form of profanity. I am around it enough that it still offends me. So why did I use it in my panic?

Several times in Scripture we are told to cry out to God. In joy or in pain, we are told to do so. Was this any different? I believe that God could have stopped the flow for me, if I had only called on Him to do so. At the very least, He could have slowed it to the point that I could have gotten in to shut it down.

After it was over, I just sat down and asked for forgiveness. I confessed my weakness and asked for the strength to do better. I was reminded of the father who asked that Jesus heal his child. In Mark 9:24 we see him cry out and ask Jesus to help his unbelief. May I make that my prayer today. In every situation, let the name of Jesus be on my lips in times of joy and times of pain. In calm and panic, may I look to the Creator to help and comfort.


September 12, 2008

Kizziah Kolumn

I just wanted to point out a link in our blog roll, Kizziah Kolumn. David Kizziah is the son-in-law of my pastor and headed to the foreign mission field. I'll skip saying to much here, just go check out the blog and add them to your prayers!!

While our emphasis on A&S may be on personal evangelism, we need to be sure and keep foreign missions in our prayers.

I've got some tract reviews and stories in the wings as well as something I am working on about the Great Commission, SO STAY TUNED FOR MORE!!!!!!!!


September 11, 2008


Hi guys,

MP called the other day and clued me in to this little event. Surprised me greatly I guess and I'm still not real sure what my opinion is but here's some further info on the former Stryper dude.
I think I'll take the time to check up on some of the other guys I used to listen to occasionally just to see if any others have been park rangers!


September 9, 2008

Oh, For Grace to Trust Him More

Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured. For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.

Hebrews 13: 13-14

By way of introduction: I am a brand new pastor, not even two years into serving in my first pastorate. I am married with two kids, three cats, too many dogs, and the laptop I am writing this on is partially held together with duct tape. I have not been to Seminary, but am looking at ways to get headed in that direction. I am a school teacher by trade, and a child of God's by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. His call on my life to preach and to pastor was really one of those "I was the last to know" sort of things. Really, my heart is just to love and obey my God, to share the unimaginable grace and mercy of God in Christ Jesus, to cling to His unchanging word, and to follow Him wherever He leads. So far it has lead to places that I never thought I would find myself. One of those places is on my face before Him in fear and love and praise and wonder over and over. Another of those places was through what I believe was some chastisement. Yet another was to surrender to a call to preach. I am leaving a lot out , but there will be, I pray, time for all that later.

I wanted to begin with a post about one more place that God is leading: India and Nepal. I'll be going there, Lord willing, soon. Its only for a few weeks, but I have never even been out of the country, and this is only my second mission trip. My first was to Michigan for six days. Needless to say, I ask that you pray for me and for my family as well as the church I serve and the young man who, Lord, willing will be filling the pulpit.

The plan is to help the Body in Nepal and to minister to my brothers and sisters in whatever way I can. There is a bit more to it, but right now that is enough to pray on. There are literally hundreds of people who are more "qualified". People who have given up everything and trained long and hard to get the chance to do what has simply opened to me by God's providence. I have a family that is worried, kids who are trying to get their brain around all of this, and the best wife on earth, who is trusting in God through everything, but still not completely o.k with the trip. In other words, she is trusting God, but I have yet to see any cartwheels in the yard in celebration of the event. (Let's keep in mind, she thought she was marring a teacher. It is amazing to watch God grow both her and us.)

Violence and murder against Christians and the destruction of churches in India had been in the news lately. These and other dangers could be waiting in Nepal. There are those who do not want me to go on this mission, that has been made clear. Still, I look at all the doors that have been opened, the clear commands in scripture, and see that this is not up to me. I have to follow.

I have been taught that a good question to ask at this point, as I prepare to go, is: What is my Heavenly Father revealing about my own sinful heart as I walk this? Here is the short answer: The disconnect between my head knowledge and my faith is not longer acceptable. I cannot just know that I am to cast my care upon Him because he cares for me, I have to live that. To step out on it, is far removed from chasing the verbs around or cross-referencing .

See, if Hebrews 13: 13-14 is a real part of my life in Christ, and not just one of the scripture references in John Piper's sermon at Together for the Gospel 08, then I have to live it and walk it and trust my God.

I have to live the truth of the First century Christians leaving Judaism forever and going out to where Jesus suffered, outside Jerusalem, because we have a High Priest that it sympathetic, tempted in all ways and yet without sin, in Jesus Christ who suffered for our sins and took the wrath we deserve. And I have to live going to Him, outside of all I recognize and find "safe". Leave my "zone", leave my air conditioning and all the safety of food I trust, water I trust, and leave threats to my life and faith that I am learning (to my shame) that I trusted and allowed for far too long. Threats like apathy and self-righteousness and lust and greed.

I have to pray for grace to face a physical body that is not able to go ten miles with a loaded pack. A body that I ignored and abused until seized with panic that it is broken and is failing. I have to live the truth of His reproach, then the truth of sharing it. My Savior was rejected and a man of sorrows. He was scorned by those He came to save. I have to pray for the grace to share in that and to rejoice .

And the truth that I have no lasting city here. This place cannot be my home. A sojourner, a soldier, a slave, and a pastor and a teacher, yes - but, I am not here to colonize within the enemies kingdom. I am here to preach the gospel of grace, to run the race before me, and to battle the sin in my flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit. But most of all to glorify God, and , yes, to enjoy Him forever. Having no lasting city for me right now means falling out of love with what I have turned my "world" into. And praying that Jesus would be more and more my world.

India, Nepal, America. No lasting city here, only the amazing chance to go, at a time of danger, to a place half a world away, and wash the feet of the saints. I ask that you pray for me, that I may have grace to trust Him more, to bear up and follow in obedience.


September 8, 2008

Good Golly!

Who signs in before 4 am? Anyway, I've added a section for links over there ---------->. The first one is where I find most of the stuff I listen to. Also, I made a li'l change to one of the settings (just to help MP out). I changed the archiving to once weekly instead of monthly so hopefully if I goof somethin' up while adding a link it can be fixed easier.
Anywho, the new job starts on the 8th. God's been very good over the last 3 1/2 years in allowing us to pay down our debt in a big way. It came with a serious price on my sanity though! The new job will test our commitment to living within a budget but it will offer some stability I've never had.


Evangelism Thought

In a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, the cow and the chicken are involved but the pig is committed.

Be a pig.


House on the Rock (Read to the end)

The wise man built his house upon the rock

The wise man built his house upon the rock

The wise man built his house upon the rock

And the rain came tumbling down

Oh, the rain came down

And the floods came up

The rain came down

And the floods came up

The rain came down

And the floods came up

And the wise man's house stood firm.

The foolish man built his house upon the sand

The foolish man built his house upon the sand

The foolish man built his house upon the sand

And the rain came tumbling down

Oh, the rain came down

And the floods came up

The rain came down

And the floods came up

The rain came down

And the floods came up

And the foolish man's house went "splat!" [clap hands once]

So, build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ

Build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ

Build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ

And the blessings will come down

Oh, the blessings come down

As your prayers go up

The blessings come down

As your prayers go up

The blessings come down

As your prayer go up

So build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 7:24-27 is the basis for this popular children's song. I can remember almost all of the hand motions that go with it. I never knew the context of it, which is always the problem of children's songs. This passage is a sobering warning about not following the words of our Lord and all of Scripture for that matter. Verse 27 ends with the phrase, "And great was its fall.

Great is the fall of those who's life is outside of Christ. Great is the fall of the family who does not have godly leadership. Great is the fall of the church that fails to preach the Word.

For those who remember MP's first blog, it was all about a search for wisdom (still working on that). If I want to be regarded as wise by my Savior, I MUST listen to His word! This morning in worship, my pastor shared some thoughts from Mark Dever, about how to biblically build the church. While he may have had the corporate body in mind, I couldn't help but to apply it directly to me as a man, using it to apply to my own walk with Christ. I am going to expand on them (I finally have something to focus on!) over a few posts.


Batter up!!!

Just as a reminder, this is not just my blog, so I am not going to steer topics or pick them. Just imagine some guys sitting in a pub, enjoying a pint of bitters and discussing things that guys discuss. Everyone needs to pitch in. JS can post stories (the zombie story is a good start), PM can post sermon overflow, TL can update us on his job situation, and I will talk about the Indianapolis Colts.

Or whatever.


New Home!!

Welcome to our new blog home!! I will post all the old stuff tomorrow!