October 27, 2008


Well, at the request of MP (notice the blame shift!) I suppose it's time to weigh in on current issues.

I'll skip the economics since it changes daily and who really knows whether things are as bad as we're being told or not. Ever heard the phrase "It's the economy, stupid"? Well, it ANNOYS me!! I have never and hope to never vote based on economic issues and quite frankly cannot believe a believer would ever do so. The Scripture teaches that the Father takes care of our physical needs so why would I ask or vote in such a way to empower the government to do so? However, the race for the Presidency has elements that have concerned me for years and that seem especially poignant this year.

This primary season was interesting to watch. For the first time in history, the Democrats began talking about Faith. We saw arguments over how much ones Faith should influence them in decisions made while holding office. We saw arguments over whether the Republicans had duped the Religious Right into voting with them based solely on morality and family issues. There were even "church leaders" debating as to whether global warming, poverty, and AIDS were moral issues on par with abortion and the sanctity of marriage. It was a great time!

Skip ahead ...... both parties choose a candidate. Arguments change to those of experience and qualifications. Liberal or Conservative. Who's the better bridge builder to the other party. (Notice anything missing?) Then each candidate picks a VP candidate designed to bolster areas where they've been considered weak. Obama picks a foreign policy guy with years of experience (so much for "Change in Washington) and McCain picks a no-name governor from Alaska who appeals strongly to the Religious Right (so much for reaching across the aisle).

Now, let me pause a moment to point out that I have not yet endorsed either candidate as I believe both are attempting to appeal to the widest number of voters in order to win the election and may not be telling us the whole truth of their intentions.


Ummmm ..... what happened to those issues of morality and Faith? When was the last time we saw the Republican candidate point out that Obama signed and fully supports full access to abortion (including partial birth) on demand and funded by the government (watch carefully as he unveils his health care plan). When was the last time you saw McCain appeal to the concerns of the "values voters" and speak about his pro-life stance or his view on marriage? The VP debate brought about the topic of homosexual marriage or civil unions but it was a passing question and largely overshadowed by economic and wartime issues.

We must support individuals who have a basic understanding of right and wrong. It's that simple. If a man or woman does not understand that the "lawful" taking of innocent life is an abomination before God, how can he possibly appeal to that same God for guidance on other issues as he leads this nation? The Word speaks of a man who builds an idol from wood. Some of the same tree he then uses for firewood, some to build a shelter. Aren't we also creating a God of our own making when we pick and choose which areas He might have an opinion on? What sort of fickle Faith is it to pray for financial success or strength and victory in war while we refuse to stand on a basic premise such as protection of the innocent?

A former pastor of mine used to say that it doesn't matter who is in the White House but the important thing is who is in God's house. I'd have to agree. But, I cannot vote to place someone in the White House who obviously failed to gain any spiritual understanding while sitting in God's house! I don't care about the Republican or Democratic platform. I suppose you might call me a single issue voter (though the Second Amendment and other Constitutional issues get me going as well).

While we may not have ever been "God's people", as a nation, there was a time when we honored Him and His role in shaping our existence. When visiting the poll on November 4th, do not forget that economic hard times come and go. Famines and pestilence have and always will plague nations. But, we who are believers have a duty to place our honor of God in proper perspective to our need for financial comfort.

Here's my point: Our next president will pick at a minimum, two Supreme Court justices. The values and beliefs of these individuals will direct the course of our laws and their interpretations for the next generation. Whether they will interpret the Constitution as a "living document", subject to change depending on our changing moral point-of-view or see it through the eyes of our Founders will direct their decisions.

Now, I officially announce my endorsement of Mike Huckabee for President of the United States!! But .... since he won't appear on the ballot, I'll take what I can get in the pro-life arena.

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